Kurokawia runcinata

Synonym: Anaptychia runcinata
Thallus foliose, brown and green-olive when wet, forming rosettes to 10 cm diameter. Lower surface pale to brown, with simple brown rhizines.

Reproduction: apothecia.
Photobiont: chlorococcoid.
Spot tests: negative.
Chemistry: without lichen substances.
Habitat:  hard siliceous rocks near the coast.
Distribution: Mediterranean at Atlantic.
Position in classification:
Physciaceae, Caliciales, Lecanoromycetidae, Lecanoromycetes, Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota, Fungi.


Locality data:
Ecology, geology: Diorites, Carboniferous-Permian
Altitude: 750 m
Location: Paratge Natural d'Interès Nacional de Poblet (Conca de Barberà)
Climate: Continental Mediterranean (Tmm=11,7ºC,  600mm)
Etymology of names:
Kurokawia was named in honour of Japanese lichenologist Syo Kurokawa (1926-2010), for his work in the Anaptychia genus.
derived from the Greek ἀναπτύσσω, meaning "fold back, turn inside out") and runcinata is a Latin adjective in the nominative singular, feminine gender, derived from Latin word “runcinatus” meaning “having a lacerated aspect with the projection pointing away from the apex, like dandelion leaves”.

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